Too much of a vitally important thing at the wrong time and as part of the wrong foods...
The mere presence of non-negligible amounts of glutamate in all sorts of "real" foods, should yet remind you that glutamate is not a toxin, or a "foreign substance" we are not evolutionary adapted to, but an amino acid that is of utmost importance for the health of your central nervous system (Platt. 2005). So that at the end of this analysis we may not be back at square one, but still have to concede that it brought us back to a set of very common motifs here at the SuppVersity:
The mere presence of non-negligible amounts of glutamate in all sorts of "real" foods, should yet remind you that glutamate is not a toxin, or a "foreign substance" we are not evolutionary adapted to, but an amino acid that is of utmost importance for the health of your central nervous system (Platt. 2005). So that at the end of this analysis we may not be back at square one, but still have to concede that it brought us back to a set of very common motifs here at the SuppVersity:
- When consumed in excess, substances that are good, healthy, beneficial and even "vitally" (=vitamin ;-) important can easily turn against you
- When substances do not have to pass the gut, the dose-response relationship can differ so substantially that results that are acquired using route A (e.g. intraperitoneal injection) cannot simply be transfered to scenarios employing different administration routes (e.g. oral ingestion)
- Inter-individual/-species differences and differences between healthy and unhealthy individuals / animals, warrant utmost caution, when it comes to interpreting data - the "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome", for example, could be a result of increased gut and blood-brain-barrier permeability that would lead to an increased absorption of glutamate from the intestine into the blood and from there across the blood-brain-barrier right into the brain.
- Oftentimes, differences due to the aforementioned factors are not of simple quantitative, but of qualitative nature, in the case of MSG this would be the difference between the metabolic activation in response to the local activation of glutamate receptors in the gut that are connected to the vagus nerve, on the one hand, and the systemic / central obesogenic (fattening) effects of glutamate that leaks from the gut into the blood and from there into the brain.
- The Truth About Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) - Part 1
- The Truth About Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) - Part 2
- The Truth About Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) - Part 3
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