BANDUNG (Indonesia) - Aceng sarifudin ( 52 ) factory owners may formalin in kawasan kopo, bandung, already run its business since 2012.Month, he raked turnover 150 million. Police searched that factory.
"Average aday could reach rp 5 million.I wear this wet noodle production formalin as many as 1.5 tons per day," aceng said. The factory location in the hallway mukti IV no.14 kopo, kelurahan situsaeur, sub-districts bojongloa, the city of bandung tuesday ( 23 / 9 / 2014 ).
According to Aceng, noodles formalin he production distributed to markets traditional in bandung. "I sold to market caringin and ciroyom," said aceng.
Why should use formalin in noodles? "The noodles not dotted and also durable if used formalin" said Aceng while adding buy formalin at one shop chemical in bandung.
Police secure Aceng to base satresnarkoba polrestabes bandung. Kapolrestabes bandung police commissioner mashudi and kasatresnarkoba akbp Nugroho Arianto also in the location of raids.Formalin nodle factor directly installed police line.
Suspects Aceng they breached article 136 letter b act no.18 2012 on food, act no.36 2009 on health, and act no.8 / 1999 on consumer protection. "Penalty of 5 years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp 10 billion rupiah," Nugroho said.
"Average aday could reach rp 5 million.I wear this wet noodle production formalin as many as 1.5 tons per day," aceng said. The factory location in the hallway mukti IV no.14 kopo, kelurahan situsaeur, sub-districts bojongloa, the city of bandung tuesday ( 23 / 9 / 2014 ).
According to Aceng, noodles formalin he production distributed to markets traditional in bandung. "I sold to market caringin and ciroyom," said aceng.
Why should use formalin in noodles? "The noodles not dotted and also durable if used formalin" said Aceng while adding buy formalin at one shop chemical in bandung.
Police secure Aceng to base satresnarkoba polrestabes bandung. Kapolrestabes bandung police commissioner mashudi and kasatresnarkoba akbp Nugroho Arianto also in the location of raids.Formalin nodle factor directly installed police line.
Suspects Aceng they breached article 136 letter b act no.18 2012 on food, act no.36 2009 on health, and act no.8 / 1999 on consumer protection. "Penalty of 5 years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp 10 billion rupiah," Nugroho said.
Article source:: detik.com, Picture source: metrotvnews.com. Same article in Indonesia language can you read IN THIS LINK

This page concern to food sciences, nutrition and additives topics. The information provides thorough and up-to-date information, covering a broad range of topics in the food science and technology. Topics covered include: Food industry, food groups and composition, food chemistry, food processing and preservation, food laws and regulations, food microbiology and fermentation, food safety, food toxicology, food biotechnology, sensory evaluation, and food product development.
OTHERS INFO: A lot of information about Easy Test Kit Product can you read detail at Easy Test Kit Website and a lot of information on the use of formalin (formaldehyde) in food or beverages in Indonesia (including some other hazardous materials) can read details on THIS BLOG.
OTHERS INFO: A lot of information about Easy Test Kit Product can you read detail at Easy Test Kit Website and a lot of information on the use of formalin (formaldehyde) in food or beverages in Indonesia (including some other hazardous materials) can read details on THIS BLOG.
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