Breaking News
Friday, September 26, 2014

Formalin noodle factory raided by Bandung Polrestabes

1:24 AM
BANDUNG (Indonesia) - Formalin noodle factory in Jalan Taman Kopo, District Bojongloa Kidul, Bandung, West Java, raided today by Bandung Polrestabes Narcotics Unit. Not like the raid, the owner of the factory protest to the police.

The factory owner assess that Kapolrestabes Bandung, Sr. Pol Mashudi, unfair because only his factory that was raided. "Why are other places still make (noodles formalin)? Should be dealt with as well," said the owner of the factory at the site of the raid, on Tuesday (23/09/2014).

Not only protest about the other plants that are still producing noodles formalin, he also protested about the number of formalin noodle sellers in these markets.

Over the protests, Mashudi also challenged other factory owners to dismantle the factory which still operates producing noodles formalin. "Mention the noodle formalin in Bandung, we raided also later," he said.

Factory owners themselves are not evasive when asked about homemade noodles that contain formaldehyde, although the factory has been in operation since 2012, "YEs, this noodle made with formalin," he said.

Over his actions, the United States brought to Mapolrestabes Bandung. Not only that, the noodles as much as 5 tons of formalin and other evidence was seized for the purpose of investigation.

Factory owners charged under Article 136 letters a and b of Law Decree No. 18 of 2012 on Food on penalty of 5 years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp 10 billion rupiah. (Article source::, Picture source:
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This page concern to food sciences, nutrition and additives topics. The information provides thorough and up-to-date information, covering a broad range of topics in the food science and technology. Topics covered include: Food industry, food groups and composition, food chemistry, food processing and preservation, food laws and regulations, food microbiology and fermentation, food safety, food toxicology, food biotechnology, sensory evaluation, and food product development.

OTHERS INFO: A lot of information about Easy Test Kit Product can you read detail at Easy Test Kit Website and a lot of information on the use of formalin (formaldehyde) in food or beverages in Indonesia (including some other hazardous materials) can read details on THIS BLOG.

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