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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Classification of food additives (Part. 2)

10:35 PM
4. Antioxidants

A food additive, which prolongs the shelf-life of foods by protecting against deterioration caused by oxidation. Antioxidants are used to preserve food for a longer period of time. Antioxidants act as oxygen scavengers as the presence of oxygen in the food helps the bacteria to grow that ultimately harm the food. In the absence of antioxidant food additive oxidation of unsaturated fats takes place rendering to foul smell and discoloration of food. Different kinds of antioxidants foods act in a different ways but the end result is to delay or minimize the process of oxidation in food. Some antioxidants foods additives combine with oxygen to prevent oxidation and other prevent the oxygen from reacting with the food leading to its spoilage. Types of anti-oxidant agent:
  1. Anti-browning agent
  2. Antioxidant
  3. Antioxidant synergist
Some popular antioxidant foods mostly as antioxidant vitamins:

a) Ascorbic acid- E300
Antioxidant vitamins include Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) this antioxidant vitamin is used in beers, cut fruits, dried potatoes and jams. The antioxidant vitamins in these foods helps in preventing the discoloration of food by preventing the oxidation. It can also act as a substitute of vitamin C in potatoes that is lost during processing.

b) Citric acid - E330
It is used in biscuits, jams, tinned fruits, alcoholic drinks, cheese and dried soup. It has many uses like it prevents the discoloration of food, increases the anti-oxidant effect of other substances and regulates pH in jams and jellies.

c) Tocopherols – E307
(307a, d-alpha-Tocopherol; 307b, Tocopherol concentrate and 307c, dl-alpha-Tocopherol) This antioxidant food additive is used in the meat pies and oils to reduce the oxidation of fatty acids and vitamins.

d) Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) - E320
It is used in margarine, oils, crisps and cheese. This antioxidant helps in preventing the reactions leading to the breakdown of fats.

Antioxidants benefits
There are many benefits of using antioxidant food additives. Antioxidants prevent the blockage of arteries with fatty deposits that prevents the heart-attacks. Also these are associated with the prevention of certain types of cancers, arthritis and more conditions of these kinds.

Read more with the link below:

Source: Food Additive, R. M. Pandey and S. K. Upadhyay, Division of Genetics, Plant breeding & Agrotechnology, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India

This page concern to food sciences, nutrition and additives topics. The information provides thorough and up-to-date information, covering a broad range of topics in the food science and technology. Topics covered include: Food industry, food groups and composition, food chemistry, food processing and preservation, food laws and regulations, food microbiology and fermentation, food safety, food toxicology, food biotechnology, sensory evaluation, and food product development.

OTHERS INFO: A lot of information about Easy Test Kit Product can you read detail at Easy Test Kit Website and a lot of information on the use of formalin (formaldehyde) in food or beverages in Indonesia (including some other hazardous materials) can read details on THIS BLOG.

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